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YTEX Strings:

Polyester/ Co-Poly Strings

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YTEX Quadro Twist

YTEX Quadro Twist is a polyester string with a twisted ribbed shaped profile and a textured surface for maximum ball bite and huge amounts of spin by allowing greater ball pocketing. This string offers the control and feel players want to hit huge ground strokes from the baseline!

YTEX Square X Sharp

YTEX Square X Sharp is a polyester string with a thin and sharp square shaped profile and a with it's sharp edges, definitely a spin monster! This string offers the control and spin, perfect for those players looking to add the most control to their game.

YTEX PolyPower

YTEX PolyPower is a polyester string with a circle shaped profile which is perfect for that extra power that lots of players need.
Try one of the most durable strings on the market today!

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YTEX Triangle Twisted

YTEX Triangle Twisted is a polyester string with a 3 sided shaped profile for max spin potential! If you are looking for a string that will help you improve your slice, Triangle Twisted shape will make you achieve that. Perfect for the all courter type of player!

Synthetic Strings


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YTEX Sintex is a premium S-Gut string that enhances playability, durability and control for all playing styles. The #1 all-around string for power, feel and control. Perfect for a Hybrid Combination!

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